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Reiki Practitioner Module Teacher Training - 2012

Twenty one Reiki Teachers attended the Reiki Practitioner Module Teacher Training on the 20th October and 6th November. This was provided to support Teachers in teaching the Reiki Practitioner Module. It was an interactive training session with Discussion, Role Play and the sharing of Reiki. The response was fantastic. Main comments were that it was extremely informative and that they got great clarity. Some said that they received confirmation that they are on the right path. Others found that they received direction and focus and found some of the information very useful to pass on to their own students and when approaching local GPs. Many found the manual very useful and acknowledged it will save them time in producing their own manual. All present got a great understanding why the Reiki Practitioner Module is necessary, its' purpose and what RFI are currently progressing with respect to Professional Reiki. All participants thanked the Committee for their great work.

If you are a Reiki Teacher and didn't attend the training you can purchase the RFI Reiki Practitioner Module Sample Manual for 40 euro. You will receive a hard copy and an electronic version. This manual can be reproduced for your own students for their use. This manual should not be reproduced for your Reiki Teacher friends. Example of some items in the manual are: Teaching Guidelines, Client Care, Professional Guidelines, Case Study Section and Case Study Forms, Where Reiki is provided in Ireland, Science behind Reiki, Reiki Research in Hospitals, Reiki Articles, Template for a Reiki Certificate.

If you are a Reiki Teacher and have the Reiki Practitioner level complete or you qualify for the Grand Parent clause and would like the use of the RFI Reiki Practitioner Manual, please email Rosemary Lowe at membership@reikifederationireland.com or call 087 9819366

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