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Code of Ethics

  1. RFI expects and charges all of its members to conduct themselves at all times in such manner as not to bring RFI in disrepute. Each member will be required to sign a statement to the effect that she or he has read this Constitution and the Code of Ethics, Code of Practice, Complaints Procedures Format, Reiki Level 1 Teaching Guidelines, Reiki Level 2 Teaching Guidelines, Reiki Practitioner Module, Reiki Master Level 3 Teaching Guidelines and Reiki Master Teacher Level and has agreed to abide by them.
  2. Members will endeavour to honour and uphold the Reiki Principles (appendix 1).
  3. RFI embraces all lineages of Reiki.
  4. RFI acknowledges the uniqueness of each member.
  5. Members are encouraged to take responsibility for their own healing and personal development.
  6. Members are encouraged to improve their knowledge and professional skills on an ongoing basis.
  7. Members shall practice at all times in a professional and ethical manner.
  8. Confidentiality shall be respected while also complying with the law of the land.
  9. Members shall practice only within the boundaries of their professional qualifications.
  10. Members shall fully honour and comply with the requirement of the Data Protection Act.

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