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Code Of Practice


The central requirement of this Code of Practice is to ensure that all members operate and be seen to operate to the very highest standards of professional ethics. Because of the sensitive nature of Reiki, specific guidelines are necessary and have been drawn up as follows:-

Minimum Members' Standards

  1. RFI members acknowledge and embrace the authenticity of all lineages of Reiki.
  2. Members support the therapeutic effectiveness of Reiki as an individual therapy in its own right and complementary to other modalities.
  3. Members shall be responsible for their own personal well-being.  In the event of their functioning being effected they shall withdraw from practice. 
  4. The use of alcohol and/or mind altering substances is strictly forbidden when practising or teaching Reiki.
  5. All RFI members shall strive to uphold the highest ethical professional standards in all dealings with the public, and seek at all times to empower their clients.
  6. Members shall respect fellow members and colleagues at all times.
  7. Members shall not exercise prejudice concerning political, religious beliefs, race or sexual orientation.
  8. Members shall treat all colleagues and clients equally, irrespective of marital statue, sex, race, colour, creed, sexual orientation, political preference, age, disability or religion.

Minimum Practitioners' Standards

In order to practice at a professional level all Practitioners must meet the minimum requirements of RFI as published from time to time and be suitably insured.

  1. Practitioners shall explain fully the treatment process, refraining from diagnosing or promising cures.  Other therapies shall not be included without prior consent from the client.
  2. In the event of the client's needs going beyond the Practitioner's expertise, it is recommended practice to refer them on to the relevant professional, medical or complimentary fields.  The client has the right to refuse treatment and disregard advice given.
  3. Practitioners reserve the right, at their discretion, to refuse Reiki to members of the general public for reasons of personal safety, including the abuse of alcohol and mind altering substances.
  4. It is a legal requirement that children up to the age of sixteen (16) years must be accompanied by a parent/guardian during the Reiki treatment.
  5. Professional misconduct shall not be exercised in areas of finance, sexual, emotional, mental or spiritual exploitation.  Personal affairs of the client must not be interfered with; it is the client's prerogative to make his/her own decisions.
  6. Practitioners must not countermand instructions or prescriptions given by the client's doctor.
  7. The Practitioner undertakes to be open, truthful and honest in all his/her business dealings in connection with the practice of Reiki and undertake to act in an ethical, honest and fair way.
  8. Soliciting of clients, e.g. Members shall not attempt to entice a client to leave another qualified Practitioner to become his/her client and/or colleague.  Criticising and undermining fellow professional colleagues is unacceptable. 
  9. With regard to hand positions while treating a client, it must be emphasised that the genital and breast areas are not physically touched and that the client remains clothed while receiving Reiki.

Practitioners' Premises

  1. Practitioners' premises shall reflect a professional standard free from distractions, offering a warm, safe nurturing environment.
  2. Premises must be clean, hygienic, adequately furnished, ventilated and heated when appropriate.  Toilet and hand washing facilities must be provided.
  3. Practitioners shall ensure that their workplace is maintained in such a condition as to reflect credit to the profession and RFI.

Compliance with Laws

Members are required to comply with all relevant National, EU legislation
and Directives as applicable, including but not limited to local authority bye-laws.


All Practitioners/Masters/Teachers shall maintain confidentiality in relation to their clients.  In particular, they shall not disclose details of their client's matters to third parties. Confidentiality shall be respected while also complying with the law of the land.  Members shall fully honour and comply with the requirement of the Data Protection Act.  

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