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Midlands Reiki Exchange - 14th September 2013

Midlands Reiki ExchangeTen years on from the formation of Reiki Federation Ireland, a long-term goal has been achieved. As a Federation, we are now actively reaching out to our Members throughout the country in a strategic way on a monthly basis.

We are hosting Regional Reiki Exchanges! This exciting development began with a meeting in the very first place that the Federation held an AGM - Mullingar, heart of the country, heart of the matter! The flow of the day began with a welcome and introductions, followed by Opening Meditation, Self Healing and Distant Healing.

There were more non-members than members present, so lots of chat about the Federation, how people came to be involved in Reiki, stories of how Reiki has impacted on people's lives and much more ensued.

A break was taken for refreshments and chat, before returning to address some questions and requests for specific issues to be addressed:

People asked for some focus time on how to prepare / begin to work with Reiki - everything from mental to physical preparation, spatial, routine, meditation was covered; & Future collaborations between participants who were present - it was clear from the discussion that more of the same is desired and various options were explored.

Most present agreed to exchange contact details with a view to continuing to meet on a monthly basis, more than likely in the New Year (2014).

We had a guided meditation and then exchanged Reiki in pairs. There was discussion and clarity sought around the Teaching Guidelines and Teacher / Practitioners listing requirements. A greater level of understanding was achieved.

Feedback was gathered towards the end of the gathering - participants commented on matters from the 'warm, bright, spacious' environment of the Greville Arms Hotel, to the 'meeting of like-minds', 'getting back into the zone' and the guided meditation was clearly a favourite.

Recommendations were sought, and some made, for how the next gathering could be improved, which will be taken on board and implemented - from name-tags to a talk / discussion on how people combine other modalities with Reiki, and how those modalities enhance their practice of Reiki.

Overall, it was a very relaxed with lots of space and time to exchange Reiki ideas, Reiki healing exchange / Reiki practice, sharing of practitioner experiences and more - the day isn't too tightly structured to allow the group dynamic to unfold in its own way to suit the group. So, for the future RFI Exchanges, be prepared to relax, have fun, and develop your practice and network with your fellow practitioners!! Keep an eye out for notifications about our upcoming events via email, text, our website, and our Facebook page.

Kelley Bermingham


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