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Reiki Federation Ireland Christmas Lunch 2012

On Saturday 8th December we held the Annual RFI Christmas Lunch for our members in The Stillorgan Park Hotel. We were blessed with great weather, & had a fantastic turn out for the day.

We changed the menu this year, and our lovely group of 32 had a wonderful lunch of salads, cold meats & fish, with a selection of breads including gluten free options, followed by mince pies and chocolates. We had great feedback from this change, as there was something to cater for all tastes.

People from all over the country came along; there were some new faces and lots of regulars! For some people it was their first RFI event, and they were openly welcomed & all enjoyed the day.

Patricia Sheehan, our Chairperson congratulated all the members on the progress we have made in 2012 and for all the great achievements that lie ahead of us in 2013.

We then introduced our speaker for the afternoon, the wonderful Grainne Tyndell, who spoke about numerology, which was very relevant considering we are living in December of 2012!! We were all fascinated to learn the relevance of our dates of birth (birth number) & even of our House number!! It was a totally interactive afternoon and I think we all learned a lot about ourselves, and those important dates in our lives.
We finished off a wonderful, fun and laughter filled day with a Reiki share, and left feeling rejuvenated and looking forward to meeting up again next year.

A huge big Thank You to everyone who came along, & to Grainne who helped make the day such a success.

Gillian McNamara

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